East Gate Advocates (EGA) supports a platform where nonprofit organizations may submit projects which are prepared for funding. The funding of these projects is outside of the typical overhead that is included in donating to the general fund of a nonprofit and stands alone under a project budget. This system allows nonprofits to seek funding for unique opportunities to donate and for donors to become directly involved in the service of the nonprofit organization.


Simple examples of projects that might fit this criteria include:

  • New industrial dryers for a laundry facility at a homeless care center
  • Organizing and funding of a community service project
  • Building a new tiny-home in a housing community
  • Providing necessary additions to a local food bank
  • Building an exercise / play structure in a low-income community park
  • Providing needed food and supplies to an animal shelter
  • Supplying a van or a fleet of vans for a food delivery service to the handicap and elderly community
  • Building a physical / mental therapy center in a low-income community

The list can go on an on. These projects are as small or as large as necessary. High quality projects are delineated and executed without unwarranted complication or ambiguity regarding the disposition of resources or funds.


The purpose of this project registry is to give donors direct access to understanding the use and impact of their donations and to provide a platform for nonprofits to solicit donations for high-value, high-impact projects. In doing so, this approach fosters a greater desire to contribute and inspires confidence in the nonprofit organization as the donors witness their contributions being utilized consistent with the projects registration. Bringing donors closer to the influence of their contribution supports community involvement and shapes a culture of contribution.

Project Registration Form

The project registration form allows the nonprofit organization to describe, in detail, their project and it’s intended impact. The form strives to identify all efforts committed and requested by the nonprofit organization. Impacts described go beyond the superficial and the organization is expected to understand how the project will impact the community, environment, and the future.

Project registrations are not publicly available and are only accessible by registered donors who commit to project contributions.


The organization must register their EIN, name, and organization type (and deductibility status). This declaration allows EGA to audit IRS submissions to assess the organization prior to recommending their projects to our clients.

Project Location

Project location is a key parameter when searching for projects. Donors often seek to create an impact in a specific area, especially if that area has significance to them. Project location can be a specific address or a “landmark” such as a park, river bank, or community.

National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) Codes

The National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) is a list of codes specific to the nonprofit sector. These codes divide the nonprofit space into 26 distinct categories (one for each letter in the alphabet). Additionally, each of these categories are divided further, adding significant delineation between different activities and focus areas. Many organizations define their work partially by these distinctions assisting the public and others in understanding the work and focus of the organization. Project registration requires the organization to select the NTEE code (or prefix) that best describes the projects NTEE focus. This allows the donor community to filter and select projects based on their desired focus for giving.

Project NTEE classification field
Project Name and Summary

Each project has a name and an anticipated close date (date after which the project is no longer relevant). The longest a project can be active is 3 years from the date of registration. After which, the project must register and update the the project information.

The project summary provides a general overview of the project including information on location, costs, timing, who is involved, what are the expected outcomes, target audiences, community involvement, etc..

Target Groups

Project registration identifies which groups, areas, or demographics are expected to be positively impacted by the project. These classifications can help donors identify and select projects that are important to them. If the target group is not identified in the checkboxes provided, the organization can supplement by selecting “other” and filling in the blank below.

Another input field provides the opportunity for the organization to describe how the selected groups are expected to be impacted by the project which gives further clarity and delineation to the project.

Target Group field
Community Mobilization

A key focus for EGA is to foster a sense of community and belonging. Projects best serve their communities by involving their communities. Project impacts are expected to be felt long after completion.


The perpetuality field allows the organization to describe how the project will continue to have a positive influence after it is completed. Far reaching impact, community involvement, changed lives, products / deliverables utilized by others, etc. are only a few simple examples of how a project can continue after its completion. Projects can provide resources, affect culture, improve environmental or community conditions, affect lives, or change circumstances that have lasting positive effects.


Social and environmental sustainability are key focus areas for EGA. We actively support projects that seek to produce more than they consume. We champion projects which stand as landmarks for prudent living, symbiotic understandings, and low-maintenance, high-yield efforts and infrastructure. We expect organizations to perform the requisite research required (relative to the project) to understand and evaluate their own sustainability efforts.

Waste Management

All projects are likely to produce some level of waste. It is the responsibility of the organization to understand, mitigate, and manage the waste generated. Waste can become a resource. We encourage projects that can reduce their social and environmental footprint and especially those who can improve the social and environmental footprint beyond pre-project conditions.

Examples of project waste include (though not limited to): consumables packaging, building scrapes / materials, fuel exhaust, contaminated materials, waste water, plastics, food waste, sewage (if treatment facilities are not included in
the current infrastructure), etc..

Project Financials

Projects are expected to have well understood financials. Ambiguous financials will incur greater scrutiny and may not be considered for execution.


Similar to financials, projects are expected to know what resources are necessary to complete the intended work. Itemized estimates should be provided describing the total resources required. These should include the resources to be provided by EGA (or its client), the organization, and any other organizations involved. Organizations should provide details regarding whether these resources will be bought, rented, or borrowed. If rented or borrowed, they should identify where will the resources be sourced from. If the resources are to be bought, the organization should identify if they are consumable. If the resources are not consumable, the organization should identify who is expected to retain the resources following the project. If the resources are consumable, the waste management section above should identify how the consumable waste is to be managed.

Examples of project resources include (though not limited to): tools, appliances, volunteers, labor support (food, PPE, etc.), professional support, vehicles, infrastructure, media, materials, etc.

Additional Information

A final field is provided where the organization can provide any additional details not previously described in the previous sections. The form is then submitted to the server where it awaits further evaluation.


When donors know where their donations are going and the impact of those donation, they are more likely to participate. When donors feel a connection to the purpose of an organization, they are more likely to get involved. EGA seeks to foster this association and increase the interactions between donors and the causes they hope to support.

Registration is typically done by invitation though some project solicitations are acceptable. If your organization has a project they wish to submit, feel free to email us at: contact@eastgateadvocates.org. Please provide contact information including organization name (and web address), and the name, email, and phone number of a company contact (at a minimum).

Disclaimer: While it is true that nonprofits may use any funds donated at their own discretion, the projects are registered and delineated by the nonprofit and their integrity and reputation is best served as they execute the projects as described in their registration. EGA, as a policy, follows up with organizations to determine that the projects are executed as described before consideration for additional project support is given.